Our Story

Brand Belief

Hydrink was developed to encourage hydration as a means to enhance people's health and performance. We understand that hydration should be a revitalising and an integral part of your daily routine.  

Brand Belief

Hydrink was developed to encourage hydration as a means to enhance people's health and performance. We understand that hydration should be a revitalising and an integral part of your daily routine.  

Our Purpose

People lead busy lives and that can result in neglecting our diet and health.

In the UK, less than 1% of the UK population achieve the Eatwell Guide recommendations, and a recent survey showed that only 40% of people achieve the fluid recommendations. Over 50% never think about hydration and find drinking water unappealing.

We are driven to bridge the gap between hydration and nutritional inadequacies with Hydrink.

Our Purpose

People lead busy lives and that can result in neglecting our diet and health.

In the UK, less than 1% of the UK population achieve the Eatwell Guide recommendations, and a recent survey showed that only 40% of people achieve the fluid recommendations. Over 50% never think about hydration and find drinking water unappealing.

We are driven to bridge the gap between hydration and nutritional inadequacies with Hydrink.

Our Commitment

When it comes to your health and well-being, trust and credibility should be at the forefront. That’s why our brand is rooted in a deep commitment to science, care, and quality. We work closely with leading supplement manufacturers, dietitians and nutritionists to ensure robust development of our products. We know what you put in your body matters and it should be backed with trustworthy expertise.

Our Commitment

When it comes to your health and well-being, trust and credibility should be at the forefront. That’s why our brand is rooted in a deep commitment to science, care, and quality. We work closely with leading supplement manufacturers, dietitians and nutritionists to ensure robust development of our products. We know what you put in your body matters and it should be backed with trustworthy expertise.

Quality Ingredients

We meticulously choose quality ingredients not only for their benefits, but for their synergy too. Everything we use is purposefully selected to ensure your body is provided with what it needs so you feel the impact on your health and performance.

Quality Ingredients

We meticulously choose quality ingredients not only for their benefits, but for their synergy too. Everything we use is purposefully selected to ensure your body is provided with what it needs so you feel the impact on your health and performance.

Our Mission

Feel your best, perform better and achieve more.

Hydrate for impact. Hydrate with Hydrink.